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Thank God for this App


Updated: Aug 4, 2022

By Stephen Ng

Realising the importance of Scripture Memory, which I did as a youth, I have tried going back to the flash cards which I prepared some 40 years ago.

I was just praying for a way I could better manage these memory cards. Thank God for this Appp -- `Bible Memory Verses,' which you can also download from App Store.

A lot Scriptures have been provided based on the themes -- and you can also choose the version that you would like to memorise the verses, too! They are organised in folders.

This is also useful when you want to share the Four Spiritual Laws with your friends. Everything is available at the tip of your index finger. To choose a particular folder, you just have to highlight the button beside the folder. Likewise, if you do not want to view the folder, you unclick it.

There are different modes that the verses will appear, but the one that I show you here is my favourte. You just have to choose the icon.

It is easy to use, but to familiarise yourself with it, you have to first play around with the App. It allows you to look at the Scripture reference; then, you can easily flip the memory card to read the verse behind it. You can also reverse the order.

To go to the next memory verse, you just simply slide it with your finger to the left.

I found out that you can also add verses of your own. It's easy! Just go to Library, click on the + icon, then add the verses manually. Click on the 'Set Address' to create the scripture reference. This is particularly useful for me to add verses I want to memorise in Hebrew and Greek. I can then put them into two separate folders.

Thank God for the technology!

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